experience regeneration

Do you have your heart set on feeding your family clean and healthy food, but struggle to find a trustworthy source? At Heart and Soil Ridge, we value what you value - giving your family food that not only tastes great and looks delicious, but also invests in their future health. You can rest easy, knowing you are giving them the very best with regeneratively-raised pastured meats and eggs. Let us help you set a satisfying meal on your family table that starts with quality ingredients from a source you can trust.





regenerate your table with quality, delicious, regeneratively farmed foods

experience peace of mind

Regenerate healthy living by providing food for your family that invests in long-term health

experience connection

Regenerate the roots and go back to the basics - know your farmer, know the farm, know the animals, know the land

experience refreshment

Regenerate your spirit with the simple beauty of on-farm visits and connecting with creation

experience involvement

Regenerate sustainability by sourcing ethically-raised products that support environmental initiatives