Cherishing Shared Experiences
Can we, please?
How could I say no to those shining eyes?
My daughter, Adah, has developed a love for flowers.
Particularly, the arrangement of flowers. And, the one thing about living on-site at a working flower farm is that there is no lack of artistic material available, right at our fingertips.
During the flower production season, we can walk down the flower rows…
…choosing from an array of color, texture, shape, size, and fragrance.
We love to design with flowers, together. For me, working with flowers is such a wash of the senses - the combinations of color, the different feel of varying flower types, the fragrances (or sometimes lack of fragrance)…it feels nourishing to me to take a moment to slow down and be.
The actual “doing” of flower arranging is wonderful, but my favorite thing of all is to be sharing this experience with Adah. Shared experience, especially one as heartwarming as working with flowers, digs deep in my soul and rests there. It builds connection. And if there is one thing in this crazy world that we need, its connection!
As the years fly by, soon my sweet daughters will meander their own paths in life. Wherever they go, I can still hold onto our connection. A connection strengthened by memories and shared experiences.
Last summer, we routinely made flower crowns together. Such a fun practice, and I love to rest on those memories! Not only was it refreshing to work with nature’s beauty, but it always ended in our heads being adorned with wearable art that brought joy, beauty, and a sense of playfulness into life.
Watching both of my girls wander off with flower crowns atop their heads was the best.
And they seemed to enjoy the process by 40 fold if I, too, was wearing a crown.
A bit of whimsy did us all good.
Perhaps you’d like to join in? We’ve put together several flower crown workshops to give us all an opportunity to step out of the norm, share a new experience with loved ones, and add playfulness and creativity to our lives.
In our workshops, we’ll provide the fresh flowers from our farm, materials, and in-person instruction on how to create beautiful crowns of flowers. Make one as simple or complex as you’d like. Young or old, experienced with flowers or not at all, this workshop is open to all.
Like Adah and I last summer, a bit of whimsy can do us all good.
Hope to see you at the farm!