Musings on the morning
Mornings. One of my favorite times of the day. A peaceful, rested, hopeful time of the day.
“Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it…” -L.M. Montgomery
I love the thought of waking up to that concept of fresh. And embracing that mistakes will undoubtedly be written into my day, along with the joys and losses, discoveries, and curiosities that life will invariably bring.
But the morning…its a fresh start. A new day.
I dream of my home mornings being cheerful, reposeful, full of life, joy, and a slow pace to breathe in the beauty of each day.
Ours is not quite like that every morning. Perhaps you can relate?
This morning my fresh start to the day was quickly punctuated by the words, “I’m hungry,” as my 5-year-old and 2-year old each wiggled and pushed to take more room than the other on my lap.
Sigh…and smile. There is a beauty in this day too. But I think I’ll have to wait a little bit longer to enjoy the kind of quiet, reposeful mornings I’m envisioning. For now, I’m going to embrace this season, knowing the days can feel long, but the years go by quickly.
I want to capture this morning time and make the most of what it actually is. A fresh tomorrow.
At this point with five children growing up in our home, quiet and reposeful is hard to come by. But energy, excitement, lots of chattering, and looking forward to what they day has ahead - these we have in abundance.
As my boys approach their teenage years, I am learning just how important food is for them. A little hard for me to fully comprehend, but somehow delicious foods are beyond exciting to them. And breakfast time is one of my favorites to indulge.
Somehow, the smells of delicious coffee intermingled with a homemade breakfast preparing on the stove just make me think: home.
And I hope in the years ahead, my children will look back with fond memories not on the “quiet and reposeful” they found growing up, but on the real life, in our real home, with a real breakfast.
And on fresh tomorrows with no mistakes in them…yet.
I dug deep and put together a list of our family’s favorite breakfasts. Yum, there are some good ones in there:
Down on the Farm Egg Bake
Cream of the Crop French Toast
Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Benedict
Needle in a Haystack Egg Scramble
De la granja, quiche mexicana
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